Jun 7, 2012


 I have been trying to figure out what direction to take my blog.  I have visited many other blogs in the blogoshere  to "see" how to have an effective blog.  There are many types of blogs that cover many topics. I have found there is not a "right way" to blog. You just have to be your self. For me I have to also be true to my convictions and beliefs.

I am not here to be a braggart and tell everyone how many laundry loads I have done today and how many loaves of fresh homemade bread I cranked out in my homey little cozy kitchen. . I want to be real and be used of the Lord to encourage others in their Christian walks. That means transparency, it means being able to say "I blew it"  It also means seeking Godly counsel  and be willing to accept that counsel.   I will Keep Timeless Treasures Direction to reflect What God is teaching me about walking with Him With an occasional  recipe or frugal find.
My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
(Pro 3:1-8 ESV)

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