Jul 11, 2004

Been a while

I haven't posted on here in a while... I Have been busy with home and school and homeschool.
God has been teaching me about His timing not my own. He is also teaching me about obedience....Which brings blessing.

A New Four-Letter Word
C. S. Johnson shares this family lesson:
"My son, Michael, was four years old the night I found him sobbing uncontrollably in the hallway. Concerned, I knelt next to him and drew him close.
"What's the matter, sweetheart? Are you hurt?'He shook his head and turned to me, but I was unprepared for his response.
"'Daddy said a bad word to me!'he sobbed. I almost laughed out loud. I had known my husband 12 years and had rarely heard him raise his voice. But Michael had heard him say something, and I was curious enough to want to know what it was.
"'Honey, what bad word did Daddy say?'And seeing a chance for sympathy, my sensitive four-year-old stopped crying and blurted out-'Obey!'
"I never think of that incident now without asking my Heavenly Father to keep me from believing, as my son did, that 'obey'is a bad word."